Message from the Chair, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry

School of Dentistry − Educating Future Leaders in Dental Care and Dental Research

the Director, ISEKI Sachiko

The School of Dentistry at Institute of Science Tokyo provides high-quality education ranging from fundamental to clinical dentistry, reflecting its status as a front-runner among dental training institutions.

The curriculum has been reformed in response to global trends, starting with students enrolled in 2023. Specialized education has been prioritized, allowing students to engage with various fields of dentistry at an earlier stage. Additionally, in response to an aging society and the complexities of modern medical care, Science Tokyo has developed its integrated medical and dental education program to promote cooperation among multiple professions. While sharing medical knowledge, students will understand the importance of teamwork in clinical practice, and study how to develop it. Moreover, to further cultivate our clinician-scientists, Science Tokyo offers introductory courses for pre-clinical students to experience and understand research methods before engaging with cutting-edge material in the practical training courses.

While forming this new curriculum, we are also maintaining good traditions. Fifth- and sixth-year students will continue to acquire the skills and mindset of a dentist through comprehensive clinical practice, being in charge of their patients for almost a year. At the same time, Science Tokyo actively promotes international-minded education, including overseas training through its global partner university network. For pre-clinical students, study abroad programs focused on cultural exchange are offered to enhance awareness of Japan's role in Asia. For senior students, clinical site visits and dispatches are conducted to give them the opportunity to put their research into practice and think about their career paths.

Throughout the six-year program, Science Tokyo aims to nurture leaders in the dental field who will play an active role both in Japan and overseas, not only by teaching them specialized knowledge and skills, but also by fostering a rich humanity and a strong sense of mission.

Chair, School of Dentistry
ISEKI Sachiko